Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V.
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NATO’s Future Seminar 2022 in Berlin

YATA Germany will host a seminar from November 18–20, 2022, focusing on key issues of transatlantic security.

YATA Germany is pleased to announce that the upcoming NATOs Future Seminar 2022 is taking place between November 18 to 20 in Berlin. Around 30 participants have been selected and will be provided with accommodation and travel reimbursements.

Every year, YATA Germany organises the NATO’s Future Seminar to assemble young people from across all NATO and Partnership for Peace Programme member states to discuss and formulate policy-recommendations for NATO policy. The aim of the seminar is to encourage dialogue and connections between NATO-experts and emerging leaders from the younger generation. Beforehand, participants will select among the three topics of NATO policy and write a short essay on their topic.

This year’s topics are:
I.              The Ability to Deter: How NATO Responds to Russian Belligerence in Eastern Europe

II.            NATO’s New Strategic Concept: What Strategies to Deal with Strategic Competition?

III.           New Era of European Defence Cooperation: What EU-NATO Cooperation?

For any further questions and information, get in touch with us on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook or via E‑Mail.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin!

YATA Germany Executive Board


18. November 2022, 0:00
20. November 2022, 23:59


YATA Germany



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