Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V.

Gastprofessor für Strategie und Sicherheit am Institut am Strategy and Security Institute, University of Exeter

Jamie Patrick Shea CMG

Vor seiner Tätigkeit an der Universität von Exeter, war Jamie Shea 38 Jahre lang im internationalen öffentlichen Dienst tätig und gehörte dem internationalen Stab der NATO an, u.a. als Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, Direktor für Policy Planning, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for External Relations, Public Diplomacy Division, Director of Information and Press und Sprecher der NATO. Außerhalb der NATO war er Professor am Collège of Europe in Brügge, Gastdozent für Practice of Diplomacy an der Universität Sussex und außerordentlicher Professor für internationale Beziehungen an der American University in Washington DC. Jamie Shea ist ein Senior Transatlantic Fellow des German Marshall Fund of the United States und Senior Fellow an der London School of Economics. Jamie Shea ist außerdem Associate Fellow bei Chatham House. Er gehört dem Vorstand des Danish Defence College in Kopenhagen an und ist derzeit Senior Advisor am European Policy Centre und Senior Fellow bei Friends of Europe. Er ist Träger der NATO-Medaille für verdienstvolle Leistungen.

Prior to joining the University of Exeter, Jamie Shea was an international public servant and a member of the International Staff of NATO for 38 years, among others as Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, Director of Policy Planning, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for External Relations, Public Diplomacy Division, Director of Information and Press and Spokesman of NATO. Outside NATO, he was Professor at the Collège of Europe, Bruges, Visiting Lecturer in the Practice of Diplomacy, University of Sussex and Associate Professor of International Relations at the American University, Washington DC. Jamie Shea is a Senior Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and a Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics. Amongst his many associations and memberships, Jamie Shea is an Associate Fellow at Chatham House. He serves on the Board of the Danish Defence College, Copenhagen and is currently a Senior Advisor at the European Policy Centre and a Senior Fellow at Friends of Europe. He is a recipient of the NATO medal for Meritorious Service.

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