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The Swinging States of America

Recording of our event with Peter Beyer MP from Nov. 10.

Over the past four years, longstanding norms and values of liberal democracies have been called into question in the United States. International treaties and commitments have come under harsh review with some of them having been discarded. Moreover, the very legitimacy of democratic elections has been put under doubt – a fact that the elections of 2020 have also shown to us. The future of the transatlantic partnership can no longer be taken for granted. And yet it is difficult to imagine a strong international alliance of defenders of liberal democracy without a robust working transatlantic relationship.

We were happy that Peter Beyer, coordinator of transatlantic cooperation at the ministry of foreign affairs and member of the German Bundestag, agreed to talk to us about the current state of American politics and the transatlantic relations. After finishing his higher education entrance qualification, Peter Beyer completed his military service as a conscript. He then studied law at the universities of Düsseldorf and Bonn. Beyer began his legal career in America and worked in Chicago and Los Angeles. In 2000, he enrolled in a postgraduate legal studies program at the University of Virginia School of Law in Charlottesville and received a Master of Laws degree.

A committed Atlanticist for many years, Beyer stands out among Members of the German Bundestag and his party (CDU) as one of the most committed advocates of a strong transatlantic relationship with the United States and Canada. He serves as parliamentary Special Rapporteur on Transatlantic Relations in the Committee on Foreign Affairs. He is an active member of Atlantik-Brücke, the Aspen Institute and United Europe in addition to numerous organizations in his district. Peter Beyer, MP, is also Executive Vice-President of the Southeast Europe Association. In April 2018, Beyer was appointed Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation.

This was a cooperation between the Bonn Chapter of the German Atlantic Association and Jagello 2000 in Prague. We cordially invite you to take part in this one-hour Zoom event, which will be held in English and will be followed by an open Q&A.

Zu Gast:

Peter Beyer MdB

Bundestagsabgeordneter der CDU/CSU-Fraktion; Transatlantik-Koordinator der Bundesregierung (2018 – 2022)

Peter Beyer begann seine Laufbahn nach seinem Abitur 1991 mit dem Wehrdienst in einer Kompanieführungstruppe in Wuppertal. Anschließend studierte er Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften, Geschichte und Politik in Düsseldorf und Bonn. Nach dem Studium arbeitete Beyer bei mehreren internationalen Kanzleien und Sozietäten (Mayer, Brown & Platt (heute Mayer Brown), Brinks, Hofer, Gilson & Lione, Murchison & Cumming). 2001 erlangte er den Master of Laws in Charlottesville, USA. Das CDU-Mitglied (seit 1996) bekleidete ab 2004 kommunale Ämter und zog mit seiner Erstkandidatur bei der BTW 2009 als Spitzenkandidat des Mettmanner Nordkreises in den Bundestag ein. Von 2018 bis Anfang 2022 war Beyer im Regierungsamt des Koordinators für die Transatlantische Zusammenarbeit. Seit Mai 2022 ist er Vizepräsident der Deutschen Atlantischen Gesellschaft.

General a.D. Egon Ramms

Oberbefehlshaber des NATO Allied Joint Force Command (2007 – 2010)

Egon Ramms, 1948 in Datteln Westfalen geboren, ist General a. D. des Heeres der Bundeswehr. Er war vom 26. Januar 2007 bis zum 29. September 2010 Oberbefehlshaber des Allied Joint Force Command in Brunssum und somit einer der ranghöchsten deutschen Soldaten in der NATO. Zuvor hatte er in Stettin als Generalleutnant das Kommando über das Multinationale Korps Nordost. Egon Ramms ist unter anderem Träger des Verdienstkreuzes 1. Klasse des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, des Ehrenkreuzes der Bundeswehr in Silber und Gold und des Komturkreuzes des Verdienstordens der Republik Polen.

Bildnachweise für diese Seite
PB Konferenzfoto Nürnberger (2) Aufnahmen von Peter Beyer, MdB am 17. Mai 2018. Fotografie: Frank NŸrnberger. 0172.1013456. (c) Frank Nürnberger
DW 2023 Leo Simon
Botschafter Michalis CC BY-NC 2.0 USAID U.S. Agency for International Development
PCP 30 Feb 13 2025 Bayerische Staatskanzlei
IMG-20250227-WA0001 Markus Grubert und Oliver Wicklandt
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