Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V.

Ehemalige Hohe Repräsentantin der UNO für Abrüstungsfragen (2012 – 2015) und ehemalige Beigeordnete Generalsekretärin für politische Angelegenheiten der Vereinten Nationen (2008 – 2012)

Dr. Angela Kane

Angela Kane, an expert in political relations and negotiations, peace operations and disarmament, spent over 30 years in senior positions at the United Nations. Her last positions were as Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Under-Secretary-General for Management, and High Representative for Disarmament.
She is currently a Senior Fellow at the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, and Vice President of the International Institute for Peace in Vienna.
She teaches at the Paris School of International Affairs/SciencesPo and at Tsinghua University Schwarzman Scholars in Beijing. She is the Chair of the United Nations University Council in Tokyo and the Co-Chair of the Regional Council on the Korean Peninsula of the World Economic Forum. She is a member of the Group of Eminent Persons, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, as well as a Member of the Group of Eminent Persons for Substantive Advancement for Nuclear Disarmament (Japan). She is also a Member of the European Leadership Network; and serves on a variety of NGO Boards in Europe, North America, and Asia.

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