Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft e.V.

Board Member, Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA) Germany

Lars Neal

YATA Germany Vorstandsmitglied

Lars Neal ist seit September 2022 Vorstandsmitglied bei YATA Germany. Er forscht zurzeit im Bereich Counter Intelligence und Hybrid Threats. Lars Neal genoss seine Ausbildung an der Hochschule Rhein-Waal, wo er zunächst den Studiengang International Business and Social Sciences, sowie im Anschluss International Relations studierte.

Lars Neal has been a board member of YATA Germany since September 2022. He is currently conducting research in the area of counter intelligence and hybrid threats. Lars Neal enjoyed his education at the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, where he first studied International Business and Social Sciences, followed by International Relations. Among other things, he works as a lobbyist for a medium-sized company from Baden-Württemberg.

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